Monday, December 20, 2021

Meijer and the lost Christmas found

12.16.21: in a mad rush before leaving for a Christmas in the west, I dropped into Meijer, and seemingly into a time portal.

my iPhone's Christmas-cheer playlist, lock screen, and Reminders gift list were all strong indicators that it was indeed N I N   D A Y S before Christmas, and yet Meijer's vibe was def a nod to August 2nd(!). (I chose that date because there isn't any major holiday decor, greeting card or candy to push for that date, if it's your special day please accept this apologetic celebration emoji: 🎉)

really? not a single Christmas and/or holiday decoration? 

1. the mannequin family members dotted around the store--toddler, tween, trim mom/aunt, trim dad/uncle, plus-size auntie/grandma (I never see a male plus-size equivalent, aka "husky" uncle/grandpa)--were all dressed for a chilly non-descript winter day. nary a Christmas sweater, scarf, or onesie jimjams dressed headless body-form to be found.

2. the typically Christmas-fun rafters? no fun.

3. by this date, Meijer "associates" have transformed into dashing-through-the-snow Santa's Elves with North Pole approved hats and teeny-jingle bell name tags. nope. 😔

4. the background muzak selection = playlist hits from the non-holidays 80s, and non-holidays 90s.

you'll recall the "where's Christmas" post 2020, the same general Christmas absence happened, but that was 2020 pandemic pandemonium, and we gave allowances for special circumstances... 

it's 2021(!!) people, break out the extra-telescoping-tall ladder and hang some freaking Christmas cardboard-glittered cheer!!

*deep sad, depressing sigh*

maybe this is the "new normal" everyone talks about--a future of lost Christmases.


UPDATE 12.18.21:


I found it in Utah, at a grocery chain called...

my cheer-o-meter has sky-rocketed! 

my heretofore uninspired holiday malaise has evaporated into Christmas stocking-stuffer inspiration, excited anticipation to decorate Christmas cookies; all while the house fills with the oh-so-sweet aromas of sticky cinnamon bun delights.

*deep content sigh* and another smile-sip from my mug of Harmon's hot chocolate. #Christmasfound