Friday, April 22, 2016

Meijer and the beautiful mistake

so, you know me. I can admit when I've screwed up. I'll own up to a mistake and I won't make excuses.


mistakes were made. 

this blog? big mistake. I should've never started this chronicle of the wild, weird, sometimes tender and often shocking shenanigans at Meijer--the superstore.


because over the years I got in the habit of expecting, no, knowing something blog-worthy would happen each and every time those airlock doors whooshed open. and that was a mistake--because nothing has happened for over 2 years. 

it's like all the crazies got better, I blame modern medicine... and/or Netflix bingeing. the staff settled into a unified workplace complacency, there are stop signs in the parking lot (wha--?!), and Pat is wearing make-up! 

so, of course, I did the only thing a smarter-than-Meijer blogger could possibly do; I stopped shopping there... until a few weeks ago.  


that's how Meijer reeled me back in. it's a known fact that Kroger or Whole Foods cannot compare to Meijer's variety and volume, especially on the Saturday night before Easter. at 10:37pm. (I was uber-busy, okay?!).

that's when this gem happened. I'll set this up for you: harried mom trying to convince cashier that her coupon will work while simultaneously pushing a bigger stack of coupons onto "shoot-me-now(!)" cashier. 

an old coupon blitzkrieg tactic, nothing interesting to blog there. thankfully, I believe in taking second looks. 

I realized that little 4 year old Timmy wasn't patiently "helping" with those plastic Meijer bags, he was designing... 

such delicate workmanship, tearing holes into the easy-to-rip plastic bags with his little pigs. he must be some kind of superhero with spatial abilities, because that bag fit like a lederhosen glove! the cape didn't need any alterations--he just slipped it on, easy-peasy.

don't worry, he didn't forget his sister's Barbie flip-flops, they added that much needed "pop" of color that only faded-from-dirty-feet-Barbie-pink can.


and with that 10:37pm Easter Eve gift, Meijer--the superstore--was back.

stay tuned, my beautiful mistake has been resuscitated.